What I Miss – According to #InstaPics


There are many things that i miss from back home, people, things and places, but lately i can’t stop thinking about a specific time in my life, college. I miss driving to the train station, waiting for the train, listening to music during my commute to school, then walking to class. I miss sitting in those uncomfortable chairs for more than an hour, listening to either boring or very interesting classes. I miss getting out for lunch and meeting up with my buddy Natalia, eating the most delicious food in our favorite spot. I really don’t miss writing papers but i miss waiting anxiously to hear how i did. I miss walking around with my pretty backpack and flaunting my “I <3 My Marine button”. I still have 18 credits left in my bachelor’s degree and i can’t wait until i can go back to school to finish them. 
Day 12/31 blogging Every Day in May