A Letter Lost in the Mail

Dear Readers,

I want to thank you all for stopping by this little corner of the internet every day, every week.. or even once in a while; it means the world to me. I get so excited when I get up in the mornings, click on my Blogger bookmark and see the number of views i got while i was asleep. It’s a great way to start the day. Most of you guys live on the other side of the world which means we’re on opposite time zones. I especially love whenever I check my email and there are notifications of comments from you guys. Reading your thoughts on my posts is definitely my favorite part of blogging, you guys always bring a smile to my face and always give me a confidence boost. I love being able to show you it’s and bit’s of my newlywed Okinawa life. You definitely push me to go out and explore more. I feel a sense of responsibility to come back home with a story to tell and photos to share. Thank you for your patience whenever i lack inspiration, for being interested in my story and for reading all of my word vomit. 

PS. I’m sorry if you have left me a comment and haven’t received a reply, for some reason my template doesn’t let me reply straight to your comments.. i definitely need a new template. I promise when i get a job i’ll buy a new one 😉 
Day 27/31 blogging Every Day in May (only two days late)