Pin-spiration Thursdays: Thanksgiving

As we get ready for our Black Friday sales at work i found myself thinking about how fast this year has gone, i mean it’s Thanksgiving tomorrow! It’s crazy that the older you get the faster time flies. Last year we had only been in Okinawa for two months and we ended up staying in and eating pizza for Thanksgiving. This year we will celebrate with our close friends. 
As an expat you get used to the homesickness and missing your family all year ’round, but the holidays are always extra hard. You look back at all of your family traditions, the parties, the delicious food, the laughs and the thought of not having it again this year kind of sucks. But we carry on, of course! I am thankful for the life i have by my husband’s side, our awesome group of friends that are more like family, a job that i love, and of course every single one of you reading this. I’m also really grateful for this chilly weather, Okinawa, this island girl thanks you. I can’t forget about our upcoming adventure to mainland Japan! I am so happy to be able to travel with my love and explore more of this lovely country we live in. 
Happy Thanksgiving from Japan! 😉
In other news i’ve decided to bring back Pinspiration Thursdays! Why? Simply because they are by far my favorite posts and i miss them! Now that i have a job with a fix schedule i can work on these posts early in the week. 
Here’s a little Thanksgiving inspiration of course! Someday, when we have more space, we will have Thanksgiving celebrations over at our place and to be honest i can’t wait! Hubby and I love entertaining :). 
Q: What are you thankful for this year? Thankful to have Pinspiration Thursdays back!? xP