Okinawa Bucket List: Year 2

Posted In: okibucketlist | Okinawa
We've already been living in Okinawa for a year! Can you believe it? Time has flown! (Did you catch our recap post? If not read all about our first year, here). I decided to write a Bucket List for Year 2, because unlike Year 1 i'm working and don't have a lot of free time to take adventures. This way we can try and see everything we want by[...]

Weekly Wishes #10

Posted In: Weekly Wishes
Last night, bags were packed, tv shows were watched and cuddles were made. As i quietly sneaked into bed around 11pm, i laid beside my husband and held his hand, sighing when i remembered it would be our last night together for a month. In that moment it kind of sank in. When we heard he was leaving, September was far, far away and all of a sudden it was her[...]

Product Review – Blogtember

I fell off the Blogtember wagon last week, but i'm back! Today's prompt asks us to: review a book, a place or a product.  I got my handy dandy 2013-2014 planner by Level and Lace in the mail today and i'm gushing over this beauty! I haven't had a planner in years and with all of this blogging going on i decided it was time to organize myself. Bet[...]

DIY: TV tray Makeover

Posted In: Home
Slowly but surely we are making our apartment feel like a home and with help from a few DIY's our living room is looking a lot more colorful and inviting! My friend Heather painted her TV tray's grey and placed a gold monogram vinyl sticker in the middle. After seeing this i decided to do something similar, but with colorful paint and patterns! If you[...]

My Lovely Sponsor – The Fab Broke Life

Posted In: Sponsors
Blog | Twitter | Facebook  Meet Alyssa the fashionable lady behind The Fab Broke Life. She's a senior at Salisbury University, majoring in communication arts with a track in journalism and public relations, and minoring in marketing management. You can count on her blog to bring you all the best in music, art, beauty, fashion, among other fun[...]

Pin-spiration Thursdays: Crochet

I've been wanting to take up crocheting for a while now and after seeing this post on Gypsy Bee i want to learn even more! I mean look at all these colorful D.I.Y's i found on Pinterest! Aren't they adorable?! 1. Colors of the Rainbow 2. DIY 3. Crochet Slippers 4. Doily Necklace 5. Shades of Orange Knit 1. Crochet Socks 2. Lit[...]