Expat to Expat Q&A: November

Posted In: Expat to Expat | Okinawa
Before the end of the month i wanted to take the time to answer this month's Expat to Expat questions by Belinda of Found Love, Now What? and Bailie of The Hemborg Wife. I always enjoy sitting down and answering some questions about my expat life, as well as reading the answers of other expats. 1. What advice would you give to your pre-expat self?&nb[...]

Veterans Day Getaway: Cape Hedo

Posted In: Okinawa
The last stop of our Veterans Day Getaway was the stunning jurrasic park-like view of Cape Hedo. The day was really glommy and rainy, and i don't think i could've chosen a more perfect day to visit. The cape faces the South China Sea on the West and the Pacific Ocean on the East. A friend told us that during the summer, when the tide is low you can walk the[...]

How to fall in love with your spouse everyday

Posted In: Advice | Personal
While mentally browsing new topics to blog about, this idea came up and i thought it would be fun to share with you the little things i've noticed my husband and i do everyday - or mostly everyday for that matter. It's very important to continue to fall in love with your partner while in a long-term relationship, especially in marriage. Let's face it, wh[...]
Motobu, Okinawa

Veterans Day Getaway: Dai Sekirinzan

Posted In: Okinawa
 On Veterans Day, G and I decided to explore a place where the view would be perfect even on a gloomy day. As i mentioned in my last post, Cape Hedo is the northest tip of the island of Okinawa and a place i've been dying to check out. While on the never-ending, yet beautiful, two hour drive we stopped by a couple of cool places and one of those was Dai Se[...]
Nago, Okinawa

Veterans Day Getaway: The Drive

Posted In: Okinawa
Last week G had a long-weekend off and thankfully i had the same! You see my job schedule is supposed to be Wed-Sat but because we've been catching up on shipments they've been working me to the bone. It was really nice to have three days off to recharge. We looked at our Year 2 Bucket List and decided to make the two hour drive to Cape Hedo, the northest ti[...]
Motobu, Okinawa

Pizza in the Sky

Posted In: Okinawa
G tasted some leftover Pineapple wine from a girls night and he asked me to take him to Pineapple Park just to buy some more! Yes, it's that good. That weekend we drove with our friends to our favorite city, we enjoyed a gorgeous view, some delicious pizza and some wine! Remember Pizza in the Sky?! You  may have read about it over here, but this time we had[...]