Memory i’d love to relive – Blogtember

Posted In: #Blogtember

Day 11 of #Blogtember is upon us and today’s prompt is: a memory you would love to relive.

One of my best friends moved to New York a couple of weeks ago and she sent me a message this morning telling me that she had brunch with two of my other friends who live in NYC as well and that they were talking about our 2010 trip!! Oh the memories! and when i read today’s prompt i totally knew what memory i would love to relive. 

In April 2010, my friend Tatiana and I planned a trip to Philadelphia/NYC. She wanted to visit Temple University, where she was going to spend a semester, so we flew to Philly and stayed at our friend Monica’s dorm room at UPenn. Tatiana was able to get a tour of the school and then we explored a bit. 

The next day we took a bus to New York where we met up with our other friend Laura who was studying at Syracuse. It was my first trip alone, with my friends and we were in NYC! Although it was only a 4 day trip, it was super fun to be in another country with my girls! 

We visited the Empire State Building, Central Park, Times Square, Soho, among other fun sites! 🙂 Let’s just say i would love to go back in time and enjoy this awesome trip with the friends i rarely get to see! 

Day 11/20 of Blogtember!

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