Okinawa, Japan

Koinobori over the Hija River

Posted In: Okinawa

A few days after stopping to see the koinobori over the Tengan River I finally made my way to the mouth of the Hija River, in between Yomitan Village and Kadena Town. This was hands down my favorite display of the carp streamers. The river is fuller and there’s a lot of greenery on the other side which makes for great pictures!! The area doesn’t have handmade koinobori like on the Tengan River… but in true Okinawa fashion it has a small seawall decorated with colorful child paintings that made up for it.

Although we didn’t have kids while in Okinawa, Children’s Day was a fun holiday to experience. The cute flags flying all over the island always made me smile. Can’t wait until we have our own kids and can hang some carp streamers outside our home during this time of year!

                                            ^^ had to sneak a photo of this grandma and grandson! ^^

                                     ^^ a few boats passed by and it looked like such a fun way to see the koinobori!! ^^

                             ^^ had to grab a few shots of the flowers surrounding the parking lot ^^