Hello everyone! G and I got home from our trip to mainland Japan on Saturday night and we’ve been trying to recharge our batteries. Like he said during our trip: “It’s not a real vacation unless you need another one to recover from the first one”!! I have so much to show you guys, i really don’t even know where to start! So i hope your ready because you’ll be seeing a lot from our trip really soon.
Before jetting off last week we mailed our Christmas cards to our friends and family back home. Thankfully everybody received them before Christmas, so it’s now safe to share them with you! This year i was pretty excited to order some personalized christmas cards! It’s safe to say this is one of my favorite things about being married. I ordered some cute postcards from Minted.com, the same website where i ordered our wedding invitations and our thank you cards.

I hope everyone’s enjoying this magical holiday season so far. We’re definitely in the holiday spirit after spending a week in cold weather, bundled up, drinking seasonal Starbucks, walking hand in hand and enjoying the christmas lights all throughout Japan.
Q: Do you still send holiday cards to your friends and family or do you think they’re lame? If you ask me, i’ll always love sending a little snail mail. Obviously.
Merry Christmas all the way from Japan!