Welcome to Weekly Wishes an awesome link-up created by Melyssa of The Nectar Collective, as a way to breakdown our own goals/wishes for the week, as well as share positivity and motivation to others. I recently shared my New Year’s Resolutions, as well as my Blogging Goals for 2014 and one of those goals was to get back into the Weekly Wishes swing, because i haven’t participated since October and that’s just sad. I’ve always loved the idea of Weekly Wishes and i know it would be the perfect way to remind myself of my long-term 2014 goals! After my previous entries (here) i noticed that blogging about my goals pushes me to reach them by the end of the week and the sense of satisfaction at the finish line feels pretty darn good. Sharing the goals i met at the end of the week keeps me coming back for more. I recently realized that setting weekly wishes was not so much me, so now i’m trying to set Monthly Wishes!
Let’s see how i did in May:
1. Work on a new website for the store. My work on the website was put on hold until this month, it’s pretty much done though just needs the little details. 2. Shop for groceries off-base. I am proud to say that i went to the japanese grocery store every week! Hooray for fresh meat and produce! 😉 3. Buy our tickets to Tokyo and plan our family’s trip. Check! Well, the trip isn’t that planned but we’ll probably wing it! It’s funner that way. 4. Enjoy our weekend getaway. Although we had some minor setbacks, let’s face it no trip ever goes perfectly, we had a blast in Ishigaki! 5. Finally go to the flea market. Welp that didn’t happen! 😛 6. Blog More. Nope, i took a lot of time off this month. Better luck next month!
This month’s goals are:
1. Enjoy hubby on the weekends. G got sent to a new unit in the jungle (literally) and will be staying in the barracks during the week. I’ve stopped working Saturdays so we can spend every waking moment of our weekends together. It sucks but we got this :P.
2. Go to the beach. Rain, Rain Go away come again another day! Yup, rainy season is almost done and i am soo excited for this summer, especially for beach season. My body is ready to get tan.
3. Make the driftwood sign for our bathroom. Our beach themed bathroom is coming along great, i just need to figure out what to put on the walls. I decided to do a driftwood sign with some goodies a friend gave me and i have all of the materials just need to do it.
4. Work on my first giveaway! I have a colorful summer travel giveaway up my sleeve for this month and i can’t wait to share it with you guys! I’m waiting on two items and then i’ll be emailing bloggers who want in on the fun! Message me if you’d like to be a part of it. I’m so excited to host my first giveaway!!
5. Make our patio look cute. Like i said before, summer is right around the corner and now that we have a bottom unit i really want to utilize our patio! All i need is some cute furniture and some plants; oh and money of course!
6. Record my first Vlog! A reader left a comment on one of my posts a couple of weeks ago asking what basic japanese words she should know before moving to Okinawa and i thought it would be fun to make it my first Vlog. I’m sort of intimidated by the whole idea but at the same time excited to try it out. I need to sit down on one of my days off and play around with my camera. Any tips on making Vlogs?
7. Blog more! because what are monthly goals if i don’t add this! Gotta keep myself motivated!

If you want to join this link up, Click Here to read the rules. It’s definitely a great way to find new interesting blogs, read other people’s goals and share some encouragement/support. Kind of a Pay it Forward project. Also, if you enjoy my little corner of the internet, you will love The Nectar Collective! Be sure to check it out! 😉