The walk down the aisle was definitely the most scary part of this whole wedding, because not only would i be walking in a long dress (fearing i’d fall) but there would be 100 guests looking at me as i did (i do not like being the center of attention, that’s the G’s role). We rushed to the church (i was an hour late, oops) and i couldn’t stop feeling the butterflies in my stomach, but having my Maid-Of-Honor with me certainly helped!
Both of my parents walked me down the aisle and as soon as they opened those doors and i heard “Falling Slowly” playing, i set eyes on my husband waiting for me at the altar i just couldn’t fight the tears.

The ceremony was cut short (because i was an hour late and the pastor wasn’t too happy about it, but what could i do?! More on this later) but when the ceremony was over and we both looked at each other, all the emotions and stress evaporated as my lips touched his. We kissed as our guest cheered!
Just like that we were officially married in the presence of God and we were more than ready to celebrate the night away with all of our family and friends! Missed the rest of the wedding posts? Check them out! Saying Yes to the Dress, Will they be my Bridesmaids?, Bridal Party, Bride for a day, Ceremony, Photoshoot, Vintage Décor, Reception and Wedding Album.
Vendor Details
Photography: Javier Olivero
Wedding Planner + Floral Design: Gladys García
Hair + Makeup: Olga Martínez
Location: Iglesia San Juan Evangelista – Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
United States Marine Corps Dress Blues
Dresses – Light in the Box
Tuxedos – Leonardo’s
Copyright Javier Olivero 2013. All rights reserved