Yomitan + Onna, Okinawa

Capes by the East China Sea

Posted In: Japan with Family | Okinawa
 Our family arrived in Okinawa on a Thursday night and thankfully they were able to go to sleep as soon as we got home, meaning they didn't suffer much from jetlag and we were able to explore from Day 1! We did have a late-ish morning, cooked a yummy breakfast and then headed out to explore Cape Manzamo and Cape Zanpa in the west coast of the island. The da[...]

7 ways to deal with Anxiety

Posted In: Advice
 For some reason, after a really scary flying experience last May i've been suffering from anxiety more than i'd like to admit. If you don't know what anxiety is, it's a "really fear based emotion which creates an emotional and physical response in the body". I felt anxious during that whole trip, which usually manifests itself in lack of apetite, dizzy fee[...]

Coffee Table Reads: Cafe Book

Posted In: Home | Okinawa
During our family's stay we visited one of the japanese malls and walked around a book store. One of the first things that caught my eye was this cafe book, a guide book to all of the cafe's on island. I know i can't read most of it, but i have a special kind of love for japanese magazines and i thought it would make a great coffee table magazine. So of cour[...]

Stitch Fix #2

Posted In: Stitch Fix
A couple of months ago i signed up for Stitch Fix, this awesome online personal styling service that delivers right to your door, or your friendly neighborhood post office. All you need to do is fill out a style profile, pay a $20 styling fee that is later applied as a credit towards the items you decide to keep, and one of their stylist chooses five item[...]

It’s not goodbye,
it’s see you later!

Posted In: Personal
Camp Smedley D. Butler, Okinawa has been our first duty station as a married couple (Husband was in Camp Lejeune previously) and after living here for almost two years we've experienced our first set of sad goodbyes. It's safe to say PCS season (summer) sucks! Shortly after moving here we started hanging out with a group of G's friends from work a[...]

Weekly Wishes: August Goals

Posted In: Weekly Wishes
 picture source Yup, i'm super late with this month's goals but can you blame me? i've been having fun with our family and enjoying every second of my time with G before he leaves this week. Welcome to Weekly Wishes an awesome link-up created by Melyssa of The Nectar Collective, as a way to breakdown our own goals/wishes for the week, as well as sh[...]