Kitanakagusu, Okinawa

Kishaba Park

Posted In: Okinawa
A couple of weeks ago my friends Chaelyn, Katie (from japanese class) and i were wanting to plan an adventure, including our husbands, we settled to explore Kitanakagusuku. I had heard of a really old shisa dog in a park somewhere in the area and we searched and searched until we found the old little guy at the Kishaba Park. We walked around the park, took p[...]
Hualien, Taiwan

Taroko National Park (Part 1)

Posted In: Taiwan | Travel
After arriving at Just Sleep, our hotel in Hualien, we signed up for a half-day tour the next day. We originally wanted to hire a cab to drive us around Taroko Gorge National Park but the tour our hotel arranged was absolutely perfect, it was just us! After an awkward/funny few minutes playing charades (the driver didn't speak any english), he drove back to[...]

2015 Reading Challenge: Part 2

Posted In: Reading Challenge
 I've decided to take on this Popsugar Reading Challenge i found on Pinterest (follow me!). This is the second round of books i've read. I'm blogging about this pretty late because i think i already read 3 more books since these, i am really on a reading frenzy! Missed the other posts? Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 A book you can finish in a da[...]
Naha, Okinawa

Ball Donut Park

Posted In: Okinawa | Okinawa Eats
Don't ask me how my friend Kassie finds the most amazing places to explore, but she does! After going Coral Dying at Shuri Ryusen we made our way to this delicious donut place called Ball Donut Park in one of Kokusai Street's side streets. The ball donuts come in a variety of flavors and are available with some oishii (delicious) toppings, and best of all th[...]
Naha, Okinawa

Coral dying at Shuri Ryusen

Posted In: Okinawa
 Two weeks ago i was finally able to join in on #OkiFunDay with my friends Kassie and Kacey. We had breakfast at CC's Chicken & Waffles on the SeaWall and then drove down to Naha for some fun activities. We went coral dying at Shuri Ryusen. I had never heard of this place but Kassie had this on her bucketlist before moving to Okinawa!! As soon as you wa[...]


Posted In: instagram
Which social media platform is your favorite? I think instagram is by far my favorite (although Pinterest comes to a close second). It's usually the first thing i prop open on my phone when i wake up, and because Japan is ahead of the rest of the world there's always tons of pictures uploaded from the time i go to sleep to the time i wake up. I especially lo[...]