Which social media platform is your favorite? I think instagram is by far my favorite (although Pinterest comes to a close second). It’s usually the first thing i prop open on my phone when i wake up, and because Japan is ahead of the rest of the world there’s always tons of pictures uploaded from the time i go to sleep to the time i wake up. I especially love finding some really good people to follow, you know to add some inspiration to my #instafeed. I’ve been wanting to share some of my favorites.. so go ahead and check these out and if you don’t already follow me -> @littleislandtakara

@floretflower – i’m not sure when/how i found this instagram but i always feel like her flower pictures brighten up my day. If you’re in the Spring state of mind 365 days a year i recommend you follow this awesome flower farmer.
@hamadahideaki – there’s something about japanese photography that i just absolutely love! Hideaki has an amazing way of capturing his day-to-day life in Osaka. I especially love the pictures of his two sons Haru and Mina (search #hamadaharuandmina). He’s also been featured in Kinfolk!!
@charuca – i just started following this instagram a few weeks ago and it’s quickly become one of my favorites. Charuca is an illustrator from Spain and she just makes the most adorable things! Her cactuses are just too cute to handle and her kokeshis are kawaii (cute)!! Shop Charuca.
@livinginanotherlanguage – is one of my favorite travel bloggers!! She is currently living in New Zealand and let me warn you, her posts will surely give you the travel itch. Follow her blog.
@amandasuzannemarshall – i started following Amanda before i moved to Okinawa (her husband was stationed here too) and quickly fell in love with her instagram/blog/everything. She is one of my favorite lifestyle insta’s to follow. You’ll get your flower, food, travel and inspirational fixes by following her.
Q: Do you have any favorite #instas you’d recommend me? I love adding new inspirational people to my feed.