I picked up the first two books at the base bookstore and the third i already had in my possession and decided to re-read.
- A book based entirely on it’s cover – The Here and Now by: Ann Brashares
- A book set during Christmas – Let it Snow by: John Gree, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle
- A book based on a true story – Eat, Pray, Love by: Elizabeth Gilbert
The Here and Now is the latest book by Ann Brashares (author of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series). To be honest i chose this book because it had a really interesting cover (lol) and when i read the back i realized it was about time travel, so of course i had to purchase it. The book tells the story of a community who time traveled from the 2090s back to 2010 because of a blood plague that wiped out most of the population. It has such an interesting and well written storyline, so much that when i was reading the details of the mosquito plague it actually found myself worrying because our future could totally end this way. Oh and also super easy read, which i love!
Let it Snow is a new kind of book. One story line, three character perspectives written by three different authors. A huge storm hits on Christmas and leaves a train stranded in the town of Gracetown. Over the next three days a girl venture out in the storm and is given shelter at a strangers house, a group of friends race to the Waffle House in search of hasbrowns and cheerleaders, and a lovesick barista is given a simple task but everything spirals when she can’t find the teacup pig. This book was another fun read!
Eat, Pray, Love is one of my all time favorite books (i’ve blogged about it before – here). I was in the reading groove so i thought it was time to re-read it. You’ve all probably seen the movie but if you haven’t read the book i recommend it so much. Elizabeth Gilbert writes the true-story of her year of travels through Italy, India and Indonesia in search for pleasure, spirituality and balance. It’s such a great book that every woman should read at least once. I also absolutely love her narrative, she’s so funny and great with metaphors! 😛
Q: Have you read any of these book? If so, did you like them? Also do you have any books you’d recommend me?