Blogging Every Day in May – [Link Up]

I decided to try the Blogging Challenge by Jenni from Story of My Life called Blog Every Day in May and surprisingly i blogged 18/31 days! I really wanted to blog every day but some topics were hard, others i blogged about a couple days late but in the end I at least accomplished more than i thought i would. (yay!) Here is a LinkUp of all the posts 🙂

Day 1: The story of your life in 250 words or less. 
Day 2: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at.
Day 3: Things that make you uncomfortable
Day 4: Favorite Quote
Day 5: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends 
Day 6: ‘What do you do’? 
Day 7: The things you’re most afraid of
Day 8: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all. 
Day 9: A moment of your day
Day 10: Most embarrassing moment. Spill.
Day 11: Sell yourself in 10 words or less.
Day 12: What do you miss? 
Day 13: Issue a public apology.
Day 14: Ten things that make you really happy
Day 15: A Day in the Life
Day 16: Something difficult about “your lot in life” and how you’re working on overcome it.
Day 17: A favorite photo of yourself and why. 
Day 18: Tell a story from your childhood.
Day 19: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them
Day 20: Get Real. Share something you’re struggling with now
Day 21: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives
Day 22: Rant about something
Day 23: Things you’ve learned that school won’t teach you
Day 24: Your top 3 traits
Day 25: Something someone told you about yourself that you’ll never forget (good or bad).
Day 26: Something you read online
Day 27: A Letter to your readers 
Day 28: Only pictures
Day 29: Five songs that speak to you or bring back memories. 
Day 30: React to this term – Letting Go
Day 31: A vivid memory